Poetry Credits
You can read my poem
A Fleeting Moment on
Hello Poetry.
Scifaikuest Volume XXII Number 3 (February 2025) [USA] - available in paperback and digital from Hiraeth Publishing (pb) / Hiraeth Publishing (digital), Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
- The DJ Tyrer Page (three untitled horrorku)
Arcanist: The Literary Fantasy Magazine (Winter 2025) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle/ebook) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle), Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle) and Arcanist Webshop (ebook)
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (December 2024) [USA/ezine]
- untitled tanka
- two untitled haiku
- Starting Over
The Horror Zine Spring 2025 (December 2024) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
- Rising Waters
- Bad Omens
- The Harlequinade
- Oxyrhynchus
Shadow Pond Journal (10th December 2024) [USA/Webzine]
Sublimation Volume 1 Issue 5 (November 2024) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (November 2024) [USA/ezine]
- untitled haiku
- untitled tanka
- Writers Wild
Journ-E Volume 3 Number 2 (October 2024) [USA] - available (pb/digital) from Lulu.com (pb), Amazon.com (pb) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Fliphtml5 (digital)
- Diamonds and Dinosaurs
- Spores
Cold Moon Journal (17th October 2024) [webzine]
Sublimation Volume 1 Issue 4 (September 2024) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
Spooky Magazine 2 (Fall/Winter 2024) [USA] - available (pb) from Amazon.com (pb) and Amazon.co.uk (pb)
Literary Yard (20th August 2024) [USA/ezine]
- Apparently
- Brushstrokes
- Growth
- Love Flame
- The Hug
Spectral Realms 21 (Summer 2024) [USA] - available from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Cassilda's Song
- Mocking Delight
Sublimation Volume 1 Issue 3 (July 2024) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
- Hell's Kitchen
- Hothouse Earth
- The Devil's Picnic
- The Irradiated Man
Mad Swirl (24th July 2024) [webzine]
- Apolitical Island
- ReSleeved
- Dots
- Aquiline
- three untitled haiku
Horror Senryu Journal (1st July 2024) [USA/webzine]
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (June 2024) [USA/ezine]
- Beneath the Earth
- Lamia
- Reborn
- Cracked
Aether Avenue Press (22nd April 2024) [webzine]
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (11th April 2024) [USA/webzine]
Journ-E vol. 3 no. 1 (March 2024) [USA] - available from Amazon.com (pb), Amazon.co.uk (pb), Lulu (pb) and Barnes and Noble (pb)
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (25th March 2024) [USA/webzine]
Spectral Realms 20 (Winter 2024) [USA] - available from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Inside Out
- Grey Skies
- Beside the Sea
- Act
The Pen (January 2024) [USA] (miscredited as DJ Tyler)
- Cold in Here
- New in Town
- Fleshcraft
- Diverted Traffic
- Hell: A Tour
- Angelic Voices
- The Whippoorwills in the Hills
Steel True, Blade Straight 2023 Annual (December 2023) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
- No Murder
- Master Detective
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (December 2023) [USA/ezine]
- First Snow
- untitled haiku
- untitled haiku
- Mistletoe
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (18th December 2023) [USA/webzine]
- Snow in Lockdown
- Fifty Years On
Penumbra #4 (November 2023) [USA] - available in paperback and digital from Amazon.com (pb), Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Hippocampus Press (pb) / Hippocampus Press (ebook)
Scifaikuest Volume XXI Number 2 (November 2023) [USA] - available in paperback and digital from Hiraeth Publishing (pb) / Hiraeth Publishing (digital), Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
- untitled horrorku
- untitled horrorku
- untitled horrorku
Tales From the Moonlit Path Hallowe'en Issue (31st October 2023) [USA/webzine]
- A Multitude of Masks
- Remembrance
- Buried Below
- Hallowe'en Mystery
- Soul Mate
Horror Senryu Journal (20th October 2023) [USA/webzine]
Journ-E vol. 2 no. 2 (September 2023) [USA] - available from Amazon.com (pb), Amazon.co.uk (pb), Lulu (pb) and Barnes and Noble (pb)
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (September 2023) [USA/ezine]
- untitled haiku
- Family Gathering
- Your Family
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (24th August 2023) [USA/webzine]
Written Tales Magazine (23rd August 2023) [USA/webzine]
Written Tales Magazine (20th August 2023) [USA/webzine]
- VA Day's Night
- Collect Call to Adventure
- Vampire Diaries
For the Outsider: Poems Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft (August 2023) [USA] - available Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Things Man Was Meant to Know
Spectral Realms 19 (Summer 2023) [USA] - available from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Face Your Future
- In Medusa's Coils
- From the Tomb
- In the Depths
- Ratman Passage
- Strange Runes
- Tunnels Below
Horror Senryu Journal (23rd June 2023) [USA/webzine]
- Ramifications
- Choices
- Foootnote
- Old Ways
- Offa and Islam
- Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (16th June 2023) [USA/webzine]
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (May 2023) [USA/ezine]
Scifaikuest Volume XX Number 4 (May 2023) [USA] - available in paperback and digital from Hiraeth Publishing (pb) / Hiraeth Publishing (digital), Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
Horror Senryu Journal (18th May 2023) [USA/webzine]
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (15th May 2023) [USA/webzine]
Poetica Substack (14th May 2023) [USA/webzine]
Eccentric Orbits - Volume 4: An Anthology Of Science Fiction Poetry (May 2023) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
- Dead Earth
- Awakening
- Layer
- Temporal Anomaly
- The Woodland Song
- Killer Kudzu
Illumen Volume XX Number 3 (Spring 2023) [USA] - available in paperback and digital from Hiraeth Publishing (pb) / Hiraeth Publishing (digital), Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
Horror Senryu Journal (27th April 2023) [USA/webzine]
Qutub Minar Review (April 2023) [USA] -available in PDF and in paperback from Lulu.com
- Undecided Winter
- The Brook
The Martian Wave Volume IV Number 1 (March 2023) [USA] - available in paperback and digital from Hiraeth Publishing (pb) / Hiraeth Publishing (digital), Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
- What Really Happened at Roswell
Journ-E vol. 2 no. 1 (March 2023) [USA] - available from Amazon.com (pb), Amazon.co.uk (pb), Lulu (pb) and Barnes and Noble (pb)
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (March 2023) [USA/ezine]
- untitled Tanka
- two untitled haiku
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (1st March 2023) [USA/webzine]
Scifaikuest Volume XX Number 3 (February 2023) [USA] - available in paperback from Hiraeth Publishing, Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
Vampyricon (January 2023) [USA] - available (pb) from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Lulu and Barnes and Noble
Spectral Realms 18 (Winter 2023) [USA] - available from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Year's End
- Examination
- Haunted Honeymoon
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (December 2022) [USA/ezine]
Steel True, Blade Straight: 2022 Annual (December 2022) [USA] - order (pb/hb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (hb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (hb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
- The Wimbledon Wyvern
- Night on the Common
Scifaikuest Volume XX Number 2 (November 2022) [USA] - available in paperback from Hiraeth Publishing, Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
Scarlet Dragonfly Journal (Halloween 2022) [USA/webzine]
Lovecraftiana Volume 7 Issue 3 (Halloween 2022) [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (Kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)
- Beyond Aldebaran
- Black Goat Dreams
- Tsathoggua
- Xastur
- Carcosa
- Winter, The High Street, Southend-on-Sea
- Roses
- Tree Death
- untitled haiku
- Cracked
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (October 2022) [USA/ezine]
- untitled haiku
- Change
- Hallowe'en
Lothlorien Poetry Journal volume 10: On the Edge (August 2022) [USA] - available (pb) from Lulu.com
- Bad Night
- Fox and Cat
- Haunted Home
- The Kindness of Fairies
- Tricksy Jack
Spectral Realms 17 (Summer 2022) [USA] - available (pb) from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Cometfall
- Whalesong
- Unrepaired
- A Soul Perplexed
- Wanderers
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (July 2022) [USA/ezine]
- Pacific Break
- Wonderful Day
The Muse: An International Journal of Poetry (June 2022) [India] - available (PDF/pb) from The Muse (PDF), and Lulu (pb)
- End of the World
- Southend-on-Sea
- untitled tanka
Once Upon A Crocodile 10A (May 2022) [USA/Webzine]
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (April 2022) [USA/ezine]
- untitled haiku
- untitled haiku
- Daffodil
- Virgil's Ongoing Researches
- Cthulhu Pneumatica
- Ghost Story
- Flesh Puddle
Journ-E vol. 1 no. 1 (March 2022) [USA] - available from Amazon.com (pb), Amazon.co.uk (pb), Lulu (pb) and Barnes and Noble (pb)
- Bad Night
- Fox and Cat
- Haunted Home
- The Kindness of Fairies
- Tricksy Jack
Scifaikuest Volume XVIII Number 3 (February 2022) [USA] - available in paperback from Hiraeth Publishing, Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
- two untitled scifaiku
- two untitled tanka
- untitled scifaiku
- Ratavism
Spectral Realms 16 (Winter 2022) [USA] - available (pb) from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Heatwave
- Painting by Numbers
Poetry Quarterly: Fall 2021 (January 2022) [USA] - available (pb/hb) from ProlificPress.com (pb), Amazon.com (hb) and Amazon.co.uk (hb)
Plato's Caves (25th December 2021) [USA/ezine]
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (December 2021) [USA/ezine]
- A British Christmas
- Boxing Day
- Out of Lockdown
The Horror Zine Fall 2021 (October 2021) [USA] - order (pb/kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) (July 2020) [USA]
- Remembrance
- The Devil's Picnic
- Mother Darkness
- An Old-Fashioned Halloween
- Love on Halloween
- Halloween
- Remembrance
- The Devil's Picnic
- Mother Darkness
Poetry Quarterly: Spring 2021 (September 2021) [USA] - available (pb/hb) from ProlificPress.com (pb), Amazon.com (hb) and Amazon.co.uk (hb)
Speculations III: Poetry from the Weird Poets Society 2020 (August 2021) [USA] - available (pb) from Lulu.com, Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Hothouse Lover
- Witch Night
Spectral Realms 15 (Summer 2021) [USA] - available (pb) from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Carcoza
- In the Court of the Dragon
- Afraid of the Dark
- Atlantean Secrets
- Gobi Sands
- Down Below
- The Lady of Every Day
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (June 2021) [USA/ezine]
- Boredom
- Butterfly Love
- Forever Young
- A Visit to the Bank
- Botswana
- Fog & Sun
- Wet Locks
- The Wreck
- Cyaegha's Call
- Son of the Dark Mother
- Arise
Bluepepper (Spring 2021) [USA/Webzine]
- Atlas Broods
- Colony
- Demoted
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (March 2021) [USA/ezine]
- Baudelaire's Elevation: A
- Botswana
A Darker Shade of Blue (Tracy L Ward) (March 2021) - order (pb/kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) (July 2020) [USA]
Spectral Realms 14 (Winter 2021) [USA] - available (pb) from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Man of Gold
- Mycophilia
- Spleen (III)
The Feathertale Review 25 (February 2021) [UK/Webzine] - available in print
The Horror Zine (Spring 2021) - order (pb/hb) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) (May 2020) [UK]
- Ghost Ship
- Lamia
- The Ghost & The Treasure
- Vacant Possession
- Dots
- Step Over
- To A Friend
- Wish You Were Here
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (December 2020) [USA/ezine]
Scifaikuest Volume XVII Number 2 (November 2020) [USA] - available in paperback from Hiraeth Publishing, Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
Scifaikuest (November 2020) [USA/Webzine]
Tales from the Moonlit Path (October 2020) [USA/Webzine]
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (October 2020) [USA/ezine]
- Hallowe'en Horrors
- untitled autumnal haiku
Literature Today Volume 11 (September 2020) [India] - available in paperback from Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
The Pen (July 2020) [USA]
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (July 2020) [USA/ezine]
The Horror Zine's Book of Ghost Stories (Hellbound Books) - order (pb/kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) (July 2020) [USA]
Speculations II: Poetry from the Weird Poets Society 2019 (May 2020) [USA] - available (pb) from Lulu.com
The Bumper Book of British Bizarro - order (pb/hb) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) (May 2020) [UK]
- Zombie Apocalypse
- A Gander to the Dark Side
- Dogging in the Black Goat's Wood
- Billy Bunter - Vampire Hunter
- Hothouse Lover
- Cannibal Catastrophe
Spaceports and Spidersilk Issue One (February 2020) [USA] - available in paperback from Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com and Infinite Realms
Illumen (Winter 2020) [USA]
The Poetry Explosion Newsletter (The Pen) (January 2020) [USA]
California Quaterly 45.4 (Winter 2019) [USA]
Instincts #3 (December 2019) [Japan/webzine]
Eskimo Pie (December 2019) [USA/webzine]
- Botswana
- Charitable
- Food, Glorious Food
- Mr Banks
Setu (November 2019) [India/webzine]
- The Prophet's House (as part of interview)
Scifaikuest Vol. XVI No. 2 (November 2019) [USA]
Selene Quarterly Magazine Volume 2 Issue 3 (November 2019) [USA] - available in epub and on kindle from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com
- The Cottage of Luna Leguin
- Confrontation
- The Tomb
- Thief
- Gangstalking
Literature Today Volume 10 (November 2019) [India] - available in paperback from Amazon.co.uk (pb) and Amazon.com (pb)
- Fly
- Family Gathering
- Random
The Averoigne Legacy: Tribute Tales in the World of Clark Ashton Smith [USA] - order (pb/kindle) from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle)
- The Druid's Altar
- The Inquisitor's Sin
- Mother of Toads
- Hallowe'en Horrors
- Red & Black (III)
- The Festival
The Horrorzine (October 2019) [USA/webzine]
- Confrontation
- The Tomb
- Thief
- Gangstalking
CRM Enterprises Newsletter (October 2019) [USA]
Literature Today Volume 9 (July 2019) [India] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) and Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle)
Literary Hatchet #23 (June 2019) [USA] - available as a free pdf download and in paperback from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com
Morphrog #19 (June 2019) [UK/webzine]
Migrating Minds VI (June 2019) [Ireland]
- Beowulf
- Our Hero, Sir Blodry
Horror Sleaze Trash (May 2019) [USA/webzine] - Caution: Adult Content.
Qutub Minar Review Volume 2, Issue 1 (April 2019) [India] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle)
Nightsong issue 1 (April 2019) [USA] - available in paperback and in ebook from Infinite Realms Bookstore (pb)
- Left - Right - Hate
- For Love
- Scifaiku
- Tanka
- Anger
- Bully
- Fog
- Kicking It
Sanitarium Magazine Issue 1 (January 2019) [USA] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) and Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle)
Literature Today Volume 8 (January 2019) [India] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) and Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle)
- A Mother's Pain
- Parenthood
- Ballet of the Marionettes
- Babysitter
- Bits
- Chic?
- Enormity
- Ghosts of Spiders Past
- 11/11
- Dead of Winter
- Red Christmas
The Poetry Explosion Newsletter (The Pen) (October 2018) [USA]
- Food Glorious Food
- Red State
Jitter Press (October 2018) [USA/webzine]
- Cave-in
- Genocide
- Hunger
- We're All Americans Now
- Daily News
- Identification Invalidation
Eskimo Pie (August 2018) [USA/webzine]
- untitled haiku
- Estuary in Fog
- All The Ugly Bugs
- Language
Duane's Poetree (August 2018) [USA/webzine] - original site
California Quaterly 44.3 (Summer 2018) [USA]
Cocky-Tales: A Multi-Genre Anthology (July 2018) [USA] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle)
- Cocky
Robin Kills Again
- The Cocky Giantslayer
- Cocky
Cats and Kinky Kudu
The Horrorzine (Summer 2018) [USA] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle)
- Afraid of the Dark
- New in Town
- The Lady of Everyday
- Hagwood
- Afraid of the Dark
- New in Town
- The Lady of Everyday
- Hagwood
- Botswana
- Savanna
- Gentoo Taboo
- Madness Rides the Star-wind
- Candles in the Night
- Tattoo
Untimely Frost: Poetry Unthawed (June 2018) [USA] - available in paperback from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk (pb)
- Enshrined in Glass
- At The Tomb
Duane's Poetree (May 2018) [USA/webzine] - alternative site
- Baudelaire's Elevation: A Translation
- Elemental Elements
Qutub Minar Review Volume 1, Issue 2 (May 2018) [India] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle)
Hyper-tomb: Crypt of the Cyber-Mummy (April 2018) [USA] - order (pb) from lulu.com
- The Prophet's House (appears twice)
- Quachil Uttaus
BFS Horizons #6 (Spring 2018) [UK]
CRM Enterprises Online Newsletter (March 2018) [USA/ezine] - contact
- A Fleet Moment [sic]
- Heron
Bindweed magazine #7 (March 2018) [USA] - order (pb) from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk and lulu.com
- Burkini:Banned
- Denial
- Identity (I)
Page and Spine (19th January 2018) [USA/webzine]
Bindweed webzine (5th January 2018) [USA/webzine]
- Burkini:Banned
- Denial
- Identity (I)
Literature Today Volume 7 (January 2018) [India] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle) and Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle)
Qutub Minar Review Volume 1, Issue 1 (January 2018) [India] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle)
Founder's Favourites #2 (January 2018) [UK] - can also be read online and print copies purchased here
- The Vengeance of the Sage Duban
- Corpsicle
- Zombie Slave
- Brains!
- Ocean Floor
- Twitcher
Halcyon Days #8 (December 2017) [UK] - can also be read online and print copies purchased here
- untitled haiku
- untitled tanka
Migrating Minds V (December 2017) [Ireland]
- Lynx in Darkness
- A Proto-Indo-European Hastur
- Faded Pages
CRM Enterprises Online Newsletter (October/November 2017) [USA/ezine] - contact
- Foggy
- Hell Is A Town
- Temporal Grace
The Horrorzine (Fall 2017) [USA] - available in paperback and on kindle from Amazon.com (pb) / Amazon.com (kindle) and Amazon.co.uk (pb) / Amazon.co.uk (kindle)
- Buried Below
- Wet Locks
- Friday Night Sacrifice
Lunaris Review issue 9 (October 2017) [Nigeria/webzine/ezine] - download pdf
Amulet volume 14 numbers 139 and 140 (July and August 2017) [USA]
- Heron
- Sinkhole
- Southchurch
The Horrorzine (October 2017) [USA/webzine]
- Buried Below
- Wet Locks
- Friday Night Sacrifice
- Alice & the Old Ones
- Alone It Is
- Babysat
- Beast Within
- Lycaon Zeus
- untitled haiku
- Hell is a Town
- Mr Banks
- Alone with the Kids
- Bone Pit
- Red & Black (II)
- Cyaegha Bound
Amulet volume 14 numbers 137 and 138 (May and June 2017) [USA]
- All The Ugly Bugs
- Arrow Paradox
- Container Ship
- Divine Chocolate
Grievous Angel (19th May 2017) [UK/Webzine]
- Killing Grandpa
- The Neptune Adventure
- Scream
- Too Late!
- Puppeteer
- Final Girl
- Killing Spree
The Poetry Explosion Newsletter (The Pen) (April 2017) [USA]
- On Death Row [miscredited as DJ Tyler]
- Court of Law
- Heron
- Arrow Paradox
- Masked Mystery
- untitled haiku
- Election 2015
- Charitable
- Excess Bedroom
8th Son by Jimmy Boom Semtex & Others (February 2017) [UK] - available as an ebook (epub) from lulu.com
Contemporary Poetry Volume 3 (January 2017) [India] - available on Kindle and in paperback from Amazon.com (Kindle)/Amazon.com (pb) and Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)/Amazon.co.uk (pb)
Sirens Call #30 (December 2016) [USA/Electronic]
- Forest Shadow
- Zed
- Reaperman
- Dead Man Walking
- Dead of Winter
Lone Stars magazine #84 (December 2016) [USA]
Carillon #46 (Autumn/Winter 2016) [UK]
- Drear Dreams: A Prose Poem
The Show Must Go On: Short Fiction and Poetry Inspired by Freddie Mercury and Queen (Penny Dreadful Publications) (November 2016) [USA]- order (pb/kindle) from Amazon.com (Kindle)/ Amazon.com (pb) and Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)/ Amazon.co.uk (pb)
- One Vision
- untitled tanka
- Alice & The Old Ones
- Ghezzerin
- Virgil's Ongoing Researches
Bindweed magazine #2 (October 2016) [USA] - order (pb) from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk and lulu.com
- Acceptance
- I Dare Not Reach
- Without You
- Untitled haiku
- Untitled tanka
- Syria
BSFA Focus #66 (Summer/Autumn 2016) [UK] - reproduced here
Bindweed webzine (6th September 2016) [USA/Electronic]
- Acceptance
- I Dare Not Reach
- Without You
- A Darkness in the Cellar
- Velvet Shadow
- Succubus
- In The Cellar
- Hell House
Lone Stars Issue 83 (July 2016) [USA]
The Pen (July 2016) [USA]
Marked By Scorn (Solarwyrm Press) (June 2016) [USA]- order (pb/kindle) from Amazon.com (Kindle)/ Amazon.com (pb) and Amazon.co.uk (Kindle)/ Amazon.co.uk (pb)
- untitled scifaiku
- untitled horrorku
- untitled Tanka
- untitled Tanka
- Crime Scene
- Espionage
- Estuary, Sunlight
- Thorns
- Yellowed Thoughts
The Rhysling Anthology 2016 (May 2016) [USA] - available in paperback from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com
- Adventure of Love
- Fade Into The Future
- Her Pain
- Retreat Sea, Away!
- The Loving Breeze
Illumen (Spring 2016) [USA]
- The Old One & The Star Spawn
The Pen (April 2016) [USA]
- A Fleeting Moment
- Memento Mori
Handshake #93 [UK]
- Trail of Cthulhu
- Across The Winedark Sea (extract)
- Death From The Stars
- Coiled Beneath
- Collapsing Cosmoses
- Dancing Through Time
- Inquisitive
Cyaegha #14 (Spring 2016) [UK]
Mightier Than The Sword (Full Moon Books) [UK] - available in paperback from Lulu.com
- Taken
- An Old Story
- Silent Is The Scream
- Buried Below
- Greetings
- Generations
- Yesterday's Desires
- Horizon of Time
High Coupe (5th February 2016) [UK/Webzine]
Siren's Call #24 (December 2015) [USA/Electronic]
- Lost and Alone
- Deserted
- Waiting
- Sudden Death
- Question
Tigershark #8 (Winter 2015) [UK/Electronic]
- Diving Helmet
- Inquisitive
- In The Depths
- Sinkhole
Kisoko 9 [Germany]
- Social Protest (reproducing the Marymark Give-out Sheet)
- Sociala Protesto (Esperanto translation)
The Indiscriminate Mixture Vol. 1 No. 1 [Japan]
Nonbinary Review (Alphanumeric) #6 (September 2015) [USA/Electronic]
- Curtail Not Your Yearnings
Marymark Press Give-out Sheet [USA]
- Examination
- Like the Wind
- Skeleton Walks
- Screaming Skull
- Where the Dead Wait
Spectral Realms #3 (Summer 2015) [USA] - available (pb) from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk
- Arcane Stars
- Carcosa in Mind
- End Times
Handshake #92 [UK]
- Vampire Science
- Comet Haiku
- "I Robot, You Jane"
Cyaegha #14 (Summer 2015) [UK]
- A Fleeting Moment
- Two Li(v)es
- Faded Pages
Handshake #91 [UK]
- Mingled With Howls
- Predator & Prey
- Then, Suddenly
- Fairy Tale
- An Eternal Cry
The Pen (April 2015) [USA]
Illumen (February 2015) [USA]
Cyaegha #13 (Spring 2015) [UK]
- untitled haiku
- Dream City haiku
- untitled haiku
- Masked Mystery (Tanka)
- Time Machine
- Goblin De Gook
- In The Cellar (limerick)
Tigershark #6 (Spring 2015) [UK/Electronic]
- Smile of Cthulhu
- untitled senryu
Handshake #90 [UK]
Worlds of the Unknown #1 [UK]
- Sappho Predicts the Future
- Virgil's Ongoing Researches [placed second in the 2015 Data Dump Award]
Siren's Call #18 (December 2014) [USA/Electronic]
- Murder Scene
- Grim Game
- Shell
- Death Updated
- Lamia's Kiss
- Dying
Carillon #40 (Winter 2014) [UK]
- End of Days
- Foggy Haiku
- Silent Is The Scream
- If I Told You
- Container Ship Haiku
Amulet Volume 11, Number 107 (November2014) [USA]
- untitled scifaiku
- Trick or Treat Tanka
Cyaegha #12 (Winter 2014) [UK]
Amulet Volume 11, Number 106 (October 2014) [USA]
- untitled scifaiku
- Hallowe'en Tanka
Dead But Dreaming Halloween Special (October 2014) [USA]
- Cthulhu Pneumatica
- Faded Pages
- The Leap/Upon The Shore
- Tatterdemalion Tanka
- Yellow Masque Tanka
- Alone It Is
- Southend's Shroud
- Storm of Words
- Two Lives
Eccentric Press Poetry Anthology - Volume I: Omni Diuersitas (October 2014) [Austria] - available to order from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com
- Two untitled Haiku
- Arrow Paradox
- Temporal Grace
- Coach Trip
- Time As a River
- Senryu
- Southchurch
- Like The Wind
- Time Changes Life
The Pen (October 2014) [USA]
Amulet Volume 11, Number 105 (September 2014) [USA]
- Painting Tanka
- Laserlight Tanka
Handshake #89 [UK]
Focus magazine #62 (Summer 2014) [UK]
Cyaegha #11 (August 2014) [UK]
- Great Old Ones
- Cthulhu Dreams
- Examination
- Nine Tenths
- Possession (Haiku)
- Exorcism (Haiku)
- Hell House (Haiku)
- Devil Inside (Haiku)
Poetry Cornwall #40 (July 2014) [UK]
- Where The Dead Wait
- Four Haiku: Memory, Is There Life After Death?, Gateway, Deathlock.
Tigershark #4 (May/June 2014) [UK/Electronic]
- Three Haiku
- The Old One & The Star Spawn
- The Prophet's House
- Alice & The Old Ones
The Stygian Abyss [USA]
- Take Up Your Snake and Walk
- In The Womb, Victoria
The Pen (April 2014) [USA]
- A Fleeting Moment
- Death
- Memento Mori
- Mortal
- Nature's Way
Handshake #88 [UK]
Carillon #38 (Spring 2014) [UK]
- Caring And Sharing
- Carcosa Haiku
Witch! [USA]
Poetry Cornwall #39 (February 2014) [UK]
Tigershark #3 (February 2014) [UK/Electronic]
- Divine Chocolate
- Tell Me You Love Me
- Kiss Haiku
- Love In Carcosa
Poetry Bulawayo [Zimbabwe/Online]
- Empire of the Dead
- Chapel of the Bones
- Recycled
- Body of Proof
- Expecting
- Motherhood
- Scan
Cellar Door II [USA] - order (pb/Kindle) from Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk
- A Darkness In The Cellar
- Cellar Door
- Foundations
- Hiraeth
- Obsession
- Desirable Haiku
- Desire Haiku
- Self-Denial Haiku
- A Love Denied
- Two Li(v)es [prose poem]
Cyaegha #10 (Winter 2013) [UK]
Tigershark #2 (November 2013) [UK/Electronic]
- The Human Condition
- Bad Touch
- The Supernatural Space (poem listed as It Is Real is conclusion of this poem)
- Norman Church
- Religion
- Vivid
- The Ossuary
- Bone Fire
- The Skull
The Pen (October 2013) [USA]
- Awkward Conversation
- Poetry
Poetry Cornwall #38 (October 2013) [UK]
- A Proto-Indo-European Hastur
- Secret Love
Handshake #87(September 2013) [UK]
Tigershark #1 (September 2013) [UK/Electronic]
- Follow Me
- Savoy Opera Haiku
- Sappho Predicts The Future
Give-Out Sheet (Marymark Press, September 2013) [USA]
Dialect Poetry [Palores Publishing, UK]
- The Flesh & The Devil
- Two Sisters
- Fading
The Poetry Explosion Newsletter (The Pen) (July 2013) [USA]
Poetry Cornwall #37 [UK]
- two untitled poems accompanying Brythoneg: A Celtic Language in Essex (accidentally duplicated to appear twice).
- Haiku
Cyaegha #9 (Summer 2013) [UK]
- Madness rides the star-wind
Earth Love Anthology [UK]
- Zero-Grazing (republished in 'best of' anthology from issue 38, February 2011)
Handshake #85 [UK]
The Poetry Explosion Newsletter (The Pen) (October 2012) [USA]
- Masks
- Two Sisters [unfortunately published with a missing line]
Carillon #33 (July/August 2012) [UK]
Earth Love #43 (May 2012) [UK]
Earth Love #42 (February 2012) [UK]
Give-Out Sheet (Marymark Press, 2012) [USA]
Earth Love #40 (November 2011) [UK]
Earth Love #39 (August 2011) [UK]
Earth Love #38 (February 2011) [UK]
Handshake #82 [UK]
Handshake #80 [UK]
Krax #47 [UK]
Carillon #27 (July 2010) [UK]
- Archivist
- The Making of Pies
- Savoy Opera Haiku
Earth Love #36 (August 2010) [UK]
Earth Love #35 (May 2010) [UK]
Earth Love #34 (February 2010) [UK]
- Nature Rules
- Skull On Grass
Earth Love #33 (November 2009) [UK]
Earth Love #32 (August 2009) [UK]
- Haiku
- Haiku
- Haiku
- Haiku
- Haiku
Earth Love #31 (May 2009) [UK]
4th Dimension #18 (May 2009) [UK]
- untitled poem (same as from Give-out Sheet November 2007)
Carillon #23 (March 2009) [UK]
- Graveyard of Dreams
- The Ghost of Old Age
Earth Love #30 (February 2009) [UK]
Quarry #8 (late 2008/early 2009) [UK]
Quarry #7 (November 2008) [UK]
Violence As An Artform [In Between Hangovers chapbook] (Autumn 2008) [UK]
Quarry #6 (August 2008) [UK]
- Gloria Mundi
- Demonic
- Snow
Labour of Love (July 2008) [Canada]
Beer Garden Bulimic & Bullshit [In Between Hangovers chapbook] (Summer 2008) [UK]
Raise The Bones [In Between Hangovers chapbook] (Spring 2008) [UK]
Quarry #5 (early 2008) [UK]
- Quarry Acrostic
- In The Quarry
- Promised Land
Quarry #4 (early 2008) [UK]
Chillout #22 (Spring 2008) [UK]
- Red Room
- Turn on the Light (with DC Tyrer)
- Horror Haiku (6 haiku)
Laughout #13 (Spring 2008) [UK]
- Super-hoarder (accidentally reused)
Laughout #12 ('Winter 2008': released January 2008) [UK]
Labour of Love (January 2008) [Canada]
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