
Monday 29 June 2020

Bizarro in the UK!

The Bumper Book of British Bizarro is here and I have poetry and fiction in it.

If you like your literature at its most bizarre, then this one is for you. Not recommended for small children or those who are easily offended or confused, and probably not a good book to have on the coffee table when you have the vicar coming over for tea. Unless your local vicar likes this sort of thing...

Available now on the Kindle and in paperback. Profits go to the Mermaids Charity (at which point, it's worth reiterating - this anthology isn't aimed at children, despite where the proceeds are going).

Monday 15 June 2020

The Quaranzine... a special one-off issue of Malefaction Magazine includes one of my poems.
It is available to order for a limited time only, with all profits going to Womens Aid UK/Scottish Womens Aid.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Festering secrets are revealed in... story The White Sickness, published in the latest issue of Occult Detective Magazine, available now from Amazon. A mysterious corpse has been washed up on the southern shore of the great continent of Africa and, now, people are falling ill, seemingly cursed...